
Friday, January 17, 2014

Fuengirola at Night

It was fun to see all the holiday light displays and how similar and different the traditions were. Spain had much more of a religious-centered celebrations. Instead of Santa Claus bringing presents, the Three Kings do on January 6th. They still celebrate Christmas, but according to the friends we made on the train, most just spend it with family eating good food. Here is a fun little decoration my mom spotted showing the Three Kings cutting through the rope Santa is climbing.

Poinsettias were everywhere, most were planted in the ground. Not something you see much in AZ.

The lights were just like what you'd see here. They had lit nativity and then this build pavillion where you could pay a Euro and tell dressed up messengers of the Three Kings what you wanted for Christmas. Proceeds went to the zoo. It didn't photograph well so I didn't find a picture and we always came by when it was closed :(

They had these little light up, propeller things that flew super high and Grammy and PopPop indulged us. J had a blast trying to catch them

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