
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Salt Dough Fun

Now that I have a kid big enough to enjoy some holiday activities, we've been trying out some internet ideas. We used this idea I found a few years ago via Supermom Moments.

And since I was getting my Christmas creativity on, I figured more than one toddler should capitalize on it and we invited Penny over.

 Penny has older sisters and knows that you aren't supposed to mix different colors of play dough. J asked why not and I had surrendered to the mess and chaos at that point. Penny was delighted.

Where did M go?

There he is!


  1. Oooooo! That pic of M made me laugh out loud. He is so cute.

  2. Oh my, he's going to be an early walker. Evan hasn't even attempted to pull himself up on furniture yet.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)