
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

J's (Somewhat Epic) 3rd Bday Party

I had planned on not doing anything for J's bday since we were headed to Spain, but the girl would pretend to have birthday parties for the last 2 months, presumably after attending various family birthday parties in the last couple months. She would duck into the cozy coupe out back and wave goodbye as she said, "Bye Mom! See Ya! I'm going to my birthday party!" How can an elaborate party obsessed mom not throw a party after hearing that every day for weeks?

And so this ridiculous was born.

She chose Strawberry Shortcake after waffling between the that and Jake the Pirates. My vote was for a kitty party since I won a face painting giveaway on facebook from my friend's company. Kitty faces on all the kids and I could put ears on the party hats! But no, my feline dreams were crushed by a remake of a favorite childhood cartoon. Here was the invite, a product of expensive paper cutting machines and probably messed up priorities in my life.

My favorite part was the drinks. I call this Shirley Temple with cotton candy "The J----" after a Gilmore episode when Luke tastes the drink known as "the Rory" and says, "It's tastes like I'm drinking a My Little Pony."

The cotton candy made the coolest fizz if by chance it fell into the drink. We also hid bags of cotton candy and had a sort of Easter Egg hunt. It's fun having friends with professional machines, willing to make a bunch ahead of time for me.

We also had them color for a bit. Thankfully the internet is happy to provide perfect coloring pages.

During all of this, my friend Snow White was painting faces. She is amazing! Check out her facebook page here and book her for your next event! Here is what she did at our party

Then it was pinata time. I am too cheap to buy a pinata so in a moment of craziness, cut the edges off a box and made one. I acknowledge I have a problem and need more creative outlets. Next time, I won't use an amazon box that requires multiple stabbings by an adult to open it. There were no bloody noses so I consider it a success. all the same.

Then it was time for cupcakes and ice cream!


I made an cie cream and angel food cake for the adults.

It was possibly the mellowest crowd ever. I mean, normally just my kids and my sister's make it feel like a mad house, but somehow everyone was really chill, despite copious amounts of spun sugar. I had fun and even surrendered my camera more a bit to distribute ice cream.

By this time it was getting chilly and we headed in to open presents. I refuse to let a December birthday by overshadowed by Christmas (hence the over-the-top party), but I find no need to cart presents to Spain after she gets spoiled like this.

I love the painted faces!

At this point the kids were crowding so much I gave up trying to take pictures and focused on this sweet girl.

But then squeals of delight had my edge in past the kiddos. A doctor kit! She played with her cousin's one for 2 hours straight one evening so this was perfect for her. Last night she asked to sleep with it.

And then her Auntie spoiled her absolutely rotten with this wealth of choking hazards. The problem is, I love to play with it too so it is probably going to get the addition of all the other fruit dolls eventually.

Thank you to all who came and helped out. And a shout out to my fantastic husband who doesn't even complain about the time and money I put into these parties, helps set up and clean up, and watches the baby while I have a good time. He's a keeper :)


  1. What a fabulous fiesta! The photos are stunning. I love the face painting and the food looks so yummy. See you in a few hours.

  2. You should be a party planner. Seriously.

  3. Seriously, some of the finest people I know are born in December. Not that it doesn't suck to have a birthday in December...

  4. It lifts my heart so much to see pictures of the family. Thank you for putting the work into posting so often.

  5. This is Aunt B and I agree with Katie! It all loks so fun. You get major brownie points for this one. And have a BLAST in Spain. Hug and kiss my sister for me please. I would love to crash your party, so at least think of me at least once...wishing I was there too!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)