
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just a bit of life in general

 I love to watch J and M play together. They just enjoy it so much.

We met up at Cheryl's and I loved how all the cousins congregated together in the middle on the grass to eat donuts. One sat down and the rest slowly joined.

Lil' Sis came down for a friend's wedding and we wished she could just stay forever. We stopped by for lunch with Grandma.

M doesn't know it yet, but he and his cousin are going to bugging each other and fighting over toys for many, many years.

There was this one time, I was looking at a blog I check out occasionally and happened to be wearing the same outfit as she was. You can see it in the video. I didn't know green pants and a chambray shirt were so common.

J was eating a sandwich, stopped, looked at it. "It's a piano!" I can see the top view of a baby grand. I love how her mind works.

Rifling through my swim bag

The weather finally started getting a tad chilly so I wore my robe. She found on in a hand-me-down box and had to make oatmeal.

I'm so thankful I get to spend so many happy days with these kiddos!

1 comment:

Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)