
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall festivities

I'm not really big into decorations, even though part of me wants to be. The other part of me doesn't like to store things or pay for them. It argues with the part that loves seen J's delight seeing them and the memories of my own childhood joy in putting them up.

Now seasonal food, that I can do. On Halloween we had these pumpkin waffles (with real pumpkin. That I roasted myself. +50 domestic goddess points.Level Up! It was actually because I couldn't bring myself to spend $2.50 on a can of pumpkin).

Pinterest brought me this little bit of awesome. J had a great time unwrapping the kisses and smashing them on. They are fudge striped cookies with a bit of orange frosting (-50 domestic goddess points for store bought cookies).

Somehow, in an effort to argue her way out of bath time, J requested a pumpkin bath. I said sure, thinking I could add a little orange food coloring and be good. Then she decided she wanted a purple pumpkin bath. A little construction paper later and we made it happen.

I know, ridiculous. I admit to it. But I have fun doing these sorts of things and I think she does too. I hope I'll still have the energy to do things like this when she is old enough to actually remember it.


  1. These experiences are so valuable for language and cognitive development, even if she doesn't remember them next month or next year. They are definitely not silly! I'm definitely with you on the debate about decorations. They go against my minimalist views and desire to have as little clutter as possible, but I have such great memories of pulling out the Thanksgiving box with the accordion turkey and the corn of copia. I think your food traditions are a great solution.

  2. Fabulous idea to have the pumpkin face in the bath! Colors the water and makes the bath a real event. I wish I had thought of the waffle idea too. I could have done that. Minimalist is for between holidays. It doesn't have to be much but don't worry, there will be decorations she will make at school, bring home and expect to have put up. You will have them whether or no.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)