
Monday, November 4, 2013

AZ State Fair

We had a fantastic time at the AZ State Fair this year. It was probably my favorite so far because J was big enough to ride the rides. Of course we had to start out the trip with some artery-clogging food.

I passed on the turkey leg because they are better shared with someone else. I did say yes to the bacon gouda fries drizzled in truffle oil.

Despite its sad appearance, the deep-fried bacon wrapped hot dog on a stick was delicious.

J enjoyed the carousel with Grandma.

She rode the motorcycle ride all by herself.

She seemed a little distressed after a round or two and I wasn't sure she was going to handle it without crying, but she did.

She was absolutely delighted by the ducks and chickens.

She also liked the petting zoo.

I love the wallabies! I look forward to seeing them every year.

She also wanted to drive the tractor.

Nursing has given me a new respect for dairy cows.

This one was J's favorite ride. I loved watching her because she just looked so happy and carefree. I just envisioned her cruising down the PCH with the exact same expression. It's a pity you can't hear the constant beeping of all the horns that accompanied the ride.

She also loved the mini roller coasters but I had to ride with so I didn't get any pictures. I expected her to be a little scared since they were intense, but no, my daughter loved them. She also liked this crazy tug boat ride that Grandma was happy enough to go on with her.

We had so much fun and might have to make it a tradition.

1 comment:

  1. So fun. We will come with you someday. I have to say that you are awfully beautiful, especially next to a milk cow. I admit to being a little jealous of the other Grandma. My consolation is that I get you for Christmas.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)