
Monday, September 23, 2013

J and A's Epic Playdate

Our friend A is just a couple month older than J and is a 3rd child. They get along really well since A is easy going, but doesn't let J boss her around.

 They both wanted to be Aurora and thankfully we have costumes enough to accommodate.

J insisted A had gloves too.

Then when I was in the other room feeding M, I come out to two very happy, disrobed toddlers who joyfully proclaim, "We have a tea party!" I thought it was hilarious and was just happy they kept it on the tile. After I locked the fridge spout, they were a little upset. J then says, "It's ok A, come I'll help you with the bathroom" at which point they take their cups and attempt to finish the party using the bathroom faucet.

Since they were soaked, I put A in one of J's dresses. The fact that J has two in different patterns may have influenced my wardrobe choices. Matchy Matchy!

 Then they decided it was cold and they needed to wear jackets. And hats. It was 108 degrees.

They were excellent helpers with the laundry too.

They mostly loved climbing into the laundry basket,

We are so lucky we got to watch A all day!


  1. So adorable! They were so cute in the coats and hats too. My kids used to have to wear off season clothes too. Nostalgia or just pretending??

  2. Tea Parties are the things memories are made of!

  3. This totally made my day. I super hate leaving Ava to go to work but know she is in great hands definitely helps. Thanks so much for sharing


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)