
Monday, July 22, 2013

Dress Up

My friend Janette gave us the most amazing dress up that her daughter outgrew. J knew it was meant for dancing.

And since I thought she looked like the most beautiful thing in the world, I convinced to dance outside so I could take some magical pictures of her twirling.

This next one has me worried that she is going to naturally take to dance and I'm going to have to pony up hundreds for all the costumes. I suppose there are worse things.

All the dancing tuckered her out and she refused to take off the costume for her nap.


  1. I don't particularly know why, but for some reason I blame Gramma Wasson for the dance gene. Not that our parents aren't graceful, or even that I ever even saw her dance, but there's just something about having the "dance inside you" that makes me blame her. And while Nora could take or leave dance, Anna is just so anxious to try it out. So, maybe we'll pony up for costumes together, and just watch these little ones need to express their inner dance. I guess you can't escape your roots, after all.

  2. By the way, I realized that I didn't externalize it, and that it might not be immediately obvious for anyone not living in my mind, but your daughter is truly lovely, and evinces a natural grace. And you did a wonderful job of capturing that. Kudos to you, momma. Keep up the great work, and, again, I've good intentions regarding wooden planes. Love you all.

  3. You are so right. She looks like she is doing classic ballet patterns. We might just have to get her some castanets. They love dance here. Could you handle the noise though?

  4. That is a really pretty dress and she looks very graceful!

  5. I'LL pony up for the costumes if you don't want to, because I need that cuteness in my life. The color of that dress makes her skin look amazing on top of the super cuteness.

  6. She is a natural! And so lovely.

  7. This is Aunt B and you weren't kidding about how perfect the pose was on that one picture. I loved seeing instead of just hearing about it. Love you!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)