
Monday, June 10, 2013

Labor Day Present #2

Not the holiday, but the momentous day M came into the world. My sweet husband gives me a piece of jewelry to commemorate the occasion and I adore what he picked out. J is mildly obsessed with it and touches it whenever I hold her, asks to put try it on ("No, it's Mommy's"), and says, "Sparkles!" What can I say, the girl knows how to appreciate diamonds.

My mother-in-law took these pictures of us when M was a week old and highlighted my beautiful early mother's day gift.


  1. What gorgeous photos. You are both so beautiful. We already knew your husband has good taste, but I love the necklace too. Thank you for posting the photos.

  2. Now THAT's a good tradition! Beautiful photos! You're very photogenic!

  3. P.S. My friend calls it her "push present" ha ha

  4. Wow those turned out nice! Must be something to do with the gorgeous mom and sweet sleeping babe.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)