
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First Day at Church

These are a few weeks old now, but I just loved this outfit. Finally a boy I can put a sweater vest on!

It was a rare moment since he wasn't crying, eating, or sleeping so I had to be happy with the less than perfect posing. I did get these fantastic gems though. The most awkward of faces.

These shoes he wore once and now they are too small. I love them anyways.


  1. Very handsome! Elliot's Sunday are some of my favorites in his wardrobe. Boys clothes are so fun!

  2. What a doll. I surely do want to hold that little guy!

  3. I always like dressing up my boy! My husband won't let me dress him up so I use all my preppy outfits on my son!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)