
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

J's 2nd Bday


A 2 year old.

I'm not quite sure how this happened to us. Time is a funny thing. I think I assume I will feel different as I age or my child ages. I felt different at 16 then I did at 14. I felt different at 18 than at 21. Now it just seems like time keeps marching by faster and faster. Maybe that's what being old actually is, moving a little slower as time moves faster.

Anyways, I planned a party for J later in the week and didn't really plan anything for her legit birthday. So we grabbed her favorite friend Ella and headed to Bass Pro for some excellent (and FREE!) entertainment. I am thinking about adopting this 5 year old since she adores "babysitting" J when I sub and J cries like someone has died whenever I have to drag her away from Ella's presence. I have on good authority that Ella feels the same way since Ella's new birthday doll was nameless for all of 10 minutes before being christened J's full name.

We literally grabbed Ella. As in I opened the garage right as her mom was returning something to my doorstep and asked if we could pull Ella away for a couple hours of fun. You would think for someone who plans things habitually, I would think ahead a bit more. Ah well. We had a great impromptu adventure.

There was a carousel ridden for four separate cycles

Fish to stare at and ponds to attempt falling into.

Shooting games to try

Quads to sit on

Letters to Santa to color

And while Ella sat on the big man's lap, J avoided him completely. We also rode the elevator several times and followed many trails of footprints pressed into the concrete floors. We were also lucky enough to share a bday celebration with Grandma Maidename at Golden Corral that night. Grandma and Grandpa Great and the rest of the local Maiden names were able to come too.

The highlights were cotton candy and the chocolate fountain. (Seriously, when did Golden Corral step it up a notch? Their steak was good too)

It was big enough to share with the other bday girl

J was fully spoiled by her grandparents with a new shopping cart, complete with food

Pretty much a perfect day for the munchkin. I'm so happy I get to be her mama.


  1. I loved tis post. Thanks for sharing that day with us. Thanks for the photos.

  2. I can't believe she's already two. It seems like yesterday was her first birthday party!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)