
Monday, June 25, 2012

Low Expectations Exceeded

 I thought I'd share with you what the garden looks like now.

Here is a before with more pictures here

And here is what it looks like a months, one dog, and a 1year old child  later.

I love Canna lillies. Well pretty much anything from the lily family, but this one especially since it likes full sun and 115 degrees.

This is what was supposed to be a lovely herb garden. It is the only area without chicken wire protection and is prime real estate for golfer greeting. It also provide lots of entertaining sprinkler removal fun at a height my daughter can climb.

This was the original space allotted for a garden.

 The zucchini, cucumber, and watermelon have been fighting it out. This was the harvest from just one day. There have been many more before and since.

I also had a couple strawberries too, but someone stole them.

 Add that to the canning adventure and I've got produce coming out my ears.


  1. Wow! Great garden! So enlighten me are those lilies from bulbs, plants, or seeds? I'm always looking for flowers that can stand the heat. We didn't attempt a garden this year- we're pretty discouraged with how little we get- we need more help- we both had gardens growing up but we've never had a successful garden since we've been married.

  2. I'm jealous. I want to have a garden. Sigh.

  3. I didn't mention that you should remove the rings from the jars once they are cool. They can trap moisture and actually cause loss of seal if left on long term. Thus the can-o-lids. I always feel so provident when the garden comes on. You can make zucchini relish and pickles if you want.

  4. Umm, I want canned peaches. Trade you for some eggs.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)