
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My friend Nikki asked me to do her wedding bouquets after seeing pictures of Julie's. I loved the colors she chose for her wedding and since she finally got hitched, I can share the pictures with you!

This time I remembered to take a few more pictures of the process. First you cut the styrofoam ball in half.

Cut your dowels to size.

Poke a hole with a pen and fill it with hot glue, then push the dowel in.

Wrap it in satin. Tape down the extra fabric.

Wrap the base however you like

Cover with lots and lots of flowers. 

I never like to do the exact same thing twice so we added some fun little details (I was getting paid this round so I didn't mind a little extra work). I stamped metal plates with words she chose and scattered them around the bridal bouquet.

I also made one with the happy couples' initials

I really liked this crocheted ribbon I found for the base of this one.

I really liked how the bridesmaid bouquets worked out with the initials. No confusion on whose was whose. And the charms were just too pretty.

I think I'll let my fingertips recover for a few months before I say yes to any more fabric flowers.I should also mention that afterwards I found about 20 flowers stashed in the trunk of J's little push car. Sneaky little klepto.


  1. 20? That's enough that she had to take them over multiple days :)

    Oh and your flowers are pretty too.

  2. So pretty. I love that my daughters are so creative and beautiful too.

  3. I love that they could fashion hair accessories with those flowers for their future little girls! How special would it be to wear a flower from mommy's wedding bouquet?!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)