
Monday, May 21, 2012

Retirement Party

I don't think I announced it here, but my dear mother and father are headed to Malaga, Spain for a 2 year mission come September. Mom will be the mission nurse and Dad her assistant :) This excitement means he is retiring from Mesa Public Schools after 30 years. 50 if you count his education.  I helped organize his retirement party and had to go a bit over board since he has done the same for other colleagues. This is the reason I haven't made time for blogging lately. Here are some of the fun details.

 We found an invitation we liked online and recreated it.

I actually had an original idea to make the party special, not stolen or inspired from somewhere on the internet. I made a giant timeline of his life, focusing on the various jobs he's held and paired food with the significant areas. It turned out to be 20 feet long since he works so hard. Or is so old  :)

Since his first job was at a Chinese restaurant, we had egg rolls.

 Empanadas from his mission to Chile.

The mascot for one school was the jackrabbits so we had platters of rabbit food.

Chips and salsa for the new adventure in Spain and cookies for the sweet retired life.

 It was a fun idea and would have been cool if anyone actually picked on it. Oh well. Here's the spread as a whole.


We also had a marvelous quartet of music teachers playing for a very appreciative audience.

Although I think she was more entertained by the walkie talkie


  1. That looks amazing Sis! And I love J's face when looking at the walkie talkie :)

  2. What a great tribute! Well done!

  3. You did such a wonderful job in planing and setting up this party. I loved the thematic foods and everyone was fascinated with the time line. I really am saving it for the next time we have to have a display. A great big thank you for all your work and creativity.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)