
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Arrested Development Party

I remember when my cousin Matt first discovered Arrested Development. He sent me a very angry text somewhere along the lines of "HOW COULD YOU LET ME LIVE MY LIFE SO LONG WITHOUT THIS SHOW?!"

I sincerely apologized for depriving him. Even though it has been a few years since we dedicated too many hours to plowing through the seasons (on DVD no less. This was pre-netflix subscription in our house) we decided to have a little party this weekend while he was down from BYU.

The emailed invitation I put together

The "Family Love Micheal" sign

It's a little on the lame side, but I had just repainted all the beige walls in my house that day and had all of 2 mins extra. Shout out to my AMAZING parents who surprised me by coming over to help so it would be done for the party.
 And of course we needed theme appropriate food

Frozen Bananas

"Cornballers" although after making one I decided the work the effect ratio was off and just kept the popcorn in a bowl. Oh and it's covered in white chocolate. Divine. With zero arm burns :)

And of course there are the ever present cocktails

 But really, it was the people that made the party. We have Steve Holt and Maggie Lizer.

A hot cop

Lindsay Funke

Lucille Bluth

Maebe Funke in her mom's arms
Seriously, look at the invite. My niece looks just like her

George Bluth straight from his attic tea party

Really we just watched our favorite episodes and laughed heartily with like minded people who could appreciate the humor. What more can you ask for?


  1. Thanks for the awkward photo where my eyes are closed. But it was great fun! I love a good costume party.

  2. Aaron was pretty much obsessed with this show a few months ago. He finished the entire series in a matter of weeks. This is amazing. Love the costumes!

  3. ps - there's always money in the banana stand.

  4. I'm sad a I missed it! I could have been Annabell ... I mean Ann, she's just so hard to remember ... :)


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)