
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Husband started a new job last week with Garmin. Hooray! He has been working ridiculous amounts for the last 6 months so we are excited for the change. Since we'd be starting fresh in terms of vacation, we decided to go off on a little get away while my generous Madre Dos took care of J.

We went to the exciting town of Tubac. No, not a rapper inspired village or a tobacco refining camp, but a small artist community south of Tucson.

What can I say, we are Groupon addicts. A cheap resort close enough to home to be cost efficient and far enough away to still be an adventure.

We had this fancy casita with so much southwest I feel like I should be a in luxury salsa commercial.

Maybe it's because I grew up here, but a fireplace like this has zero charm

Thankfully, over-sized jacuzzi tubs always have charm

Someday I want to have a shower without a curtain

Lest, the decor fools you, it is a very nice place. As evidenced by this fella in the parking lot

And his friends

 And their friends

 And some more friends

 And my BEST friend

And their friends

We fit right in.

Part of the deal included bike rental and I think it is my new favorite way to explore a city.

We also had a fabulous breakfast with corn flake encrusted french toast. I must try and recreate it

And what vacation is complete without a few terrible self portraits


  1. Ha ha! That fireplace is hilarious! But seriously, you want a curtain-less shower one day and I want a jacuzzi. Congrats to John on the new job!

  2. Weekend getaways are the best! Looks like a lot of fun and that is how my dad has always made french toast! so easy and yummy!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Looks awesome. You are so cool. Travel girl.

  5. I can't believe John let you post that picture of him on the bed, but I'm glad the world can learn a little better how utterly awesome my brother in law is :)

    1. I actually made her promise not to post that on her blog, but you know... Too sexy!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)