
Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas 2011

Confession 1:  We didn't get J anything for Christmas.

Terrible parenting right? She had just added a whole new slew of toys from her birthday and she didn't need anything else. I wanted her to have a baby doll since she became very attached to her cousin's and looked adorable toting it around. My Lil' Sis wanted to get it for her though so we had that covered. Plus, I knew her grandmas and grandpas would have a few gifts for her, so we just saved the money for other things.

Now I LOVE birthdays and promise she will never get jipped once she's old enough to remember, but for now, we're going to delight in the minimalism.

The minimalism that involves really cute hand-me-down Christmas dresses and brand new fuzzy pj's.

Husband surprised me with a brand new camera lens :) Very generous, especially since it means I'll be taking even MORE pictures

Of course she wouldn't let me get a picture of her clutching the doll

As long as she had her favorite paint brush, she was fine opening our presents

I love these pj's because they say "The Best Gift Ever"

Confession #2: None of these pictures were actually taken Christmas morning.


  1. I say well done for the no gift thing. You're right, she won't remember and she had things to make her happy. And I love confession #2:)


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)