
Thursday, January 12, 2012


My Big Sis had a GIGANTIC 13 foot, real Christmas tree this year so we figured it would be awesome for playing with a little bokeh. I was only going to pick two or three, but I couldn't choose I simplified by posting all of them :) Enjoy the last of the Christmas posts :)


  1. Such cute photos. I love her expressions.

  2. So, I haven't read all your posts...but, have you done a half marathon? Cuz I think I wanna do one this year...and I wonder if you have done it what your suggestions are or if this is something you want to do too ? :)

  3. You have captured my daughter. Maybe I need to print all of them in succession. Sigh. Thank you. What skills you have!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)