
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crochet Addiction

I was talking about my crochet addiction to a friend and she requested pictures of the things I've made. And since I finished this 8in Link this week, I started taking pictures. Then I figured I should post some of the things I did early on so I grabbed all the pictures from my phone (since every time I finish something I send a picture of it to my Big Sis

These were the first food I made. There were all from the same pattern and look widely different. The 3rd one actually turned out like the picture, but I think my first one looks the best.

A mini cupcake. It didn't really turn out well.

I saw a pumpkin hat in a store in Seattle for $25 and figured I could make one just as cute. And that's how it all began.

I really need to upgrade my phone if only for a better camera

I got crochet elbow trying to finish this scarf in time for my sister's halloween costume

This Kool Kat is about 16" tall and the most ambitious project so far. The pic doesn't show his awesome turtleneck very well, but you know those polyester blue pants are straight from the 70's

bad lighting, but this is a mini airplane

Baby booties look much cuter on actual feet

I know, it pained me to stitch the A on there, but it was well-received


  1. You are so talented!! Can you teach me?

  2. I wish I lived by you so you could teach me too. I think I could really get into this hobby.

  3. Okay Aaron wants to know how much the Link? Seriously... we will buy or... 5 for from you. lol let me know if you are considering selling any of these items or making them to sell.

  4. You and Alicia are so cool! I love the Link :)

  5. They really do look great! Keep it up!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)