
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Vertuccio Farms

What kind of bloggity mommity would I be if I didn't take my daughter to a pumpkin patch to take pictures? Thankfully Groupon had us covered so we took cousin and uncle and their neighbor friends to the farm.

We met the animals

We milked the fake cow

And we played in the bounce house.

We knocked out some crows


We rode some inflatable horsies.


We skipped out on barrel train but our friends had fun on it

We jumped on the air pillow and it was AWESOME!

 We went through the kid straw maze and found out the big corn maze is not stroller friendly

After enjoying her new favorite past time of picking straw out of bales, we were able to confirm She is allergic to hay. Not sure if it is just touching straw or eating it that causes the rash.

And we took lots and lots of pumpkin pictures while graciously accepting compliments on the latest crochet endeavor. 


  1. i am in love with your camera....i think i may know what i want for christmas (for the next couple years, maybe?) i know you did a lot of research before you bought it, are you happy with it, because your pictures are turning out AMAZING!

  2. So fun! I can't believe you got so many pictures of J smiling, seriously impressive.

  3. 1: thanks for waiting until we left to finally go to pumpkin farm. we missed you.

    2: i like that you sometimes go on dates with your sister's husband.

    3: c needs a headband like j's.

    4: what a cute baby!!! :)

  4. I love the headband too... and since another poster mentioned it- I'm currently researching cameras for my Christmas list. Any advice? What kind do you have? Wish you had?

  5. Your pictures are fantastic! And your daughter is showing her personality and I love it!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)