
Monday, November 7, 2011

Navy Tshirt dress

I was quite proud of myself with J's pumpkin patch outfit. My sis-in-law taught me how to make little baby leg warmers  out of knee high socks and I sacrificed my favorite pair. Long time readers may remember this shot from a spirit day long ago. (P.S. I went and read old entries from the old blog looking for this picture. I used to be so much funnier. I think the lack of adult conversation has made my humor and literary devices decline. I'm glad you all are still reading despite the lack of humorous anecdotes. The pictures have improved at least. Although this post is an exception.)

I decided J needed a navy blue dress to match them but I have this issue with buying J clothes. I don't like to spend money. Actually I really enjoy spending money, just on myself. I've got a $5 limit on any given baby clothes item and that takes lots of searching if you have something particular in mind. So I found an navy blue shirt in my closet in need of retirement. I'm not good with tutorials but I took a picture to give you a rough idea of how I did it.

 This is the bodice. You essentially sew two lines across the top and sew part of the sides together.
Since I kept the edge on the front, I trimmed some of the neckline off the original shirt and added it to the back piece.
Then I cut semi circles out of the original sleeves and added them. Sewing the sleeves was the hardest part. Then 2 seams up the sides of the skirt, attached it, and voila! Special thanks to my friend Charity who watched the little peanut while I whipped this up. It took an hour (should have been 20mins if I didn't mess up a handful of times) since it I didn't have to hem anything. That's the beauty of repurposing. Free and fast.


  1. Good job! Very cute and thrifty! I have a $3 limit on most baby items- except dresses I'll go to $7! So I average about the same!

  2. Oh my gosh! She is so absolutely adorable it's killing me! :) love.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)