
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturday Steal: Outfit

Another post supporting my friend Camille. If you participate too, you may win something this weekend

Dude, I had major good deal karma this last weekend. I found these super cute little girl shoes at Target for $2 so I bought another pair for a future baby shower gift. 

The romper was $1 at a garage sale. Not really a steal because lame rich people think their junk is worth way more than it is. They should know 25 cents, 50cents max for little kids clothes that have probably been pooped in before. I felt stupid putting it back for a $1 though so I got it. Since it is my current favorite on J, I suppose it is still worth it. I'm very serious about my frugality here.

I talked them down on the daisies for the niece's nursery though so I felt better. They are normally around $5/flower at Hobby Lobby for that size, but I got them for 50 cents each.

Those eyes are not edited at all. Straight from the camera


Mmm grass

see ya


  1. What a cutie! I know what you mean about people being stingy at yard sales. Just get some good use out of that romper before it's too cold to make the most of your $1!

  2. Adorable! Are these taken with your new lens?

  3. First of all, this is your backyard!!! Look at that beautiful grass! Second, I love that J sits with one leg off the grass it makes me laugh. And I love her little teeth that you can see in the last picture.

  4. I am Camille and I support this message.

    For obvious reasons.

    Great steals!

  5. Wow, what a lucky girl to have a mom who can take such stunning pictures of her! Love them!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)