
Friday, October 21, 2011

Caught in the Act

I found a little someone exploring the bathroom. Then I threw a mini shampoo bottle in the cupboard to bribe her back in so I could get a picture.


  1. Can she get any cuter? We will have to find photos of you in the cupboard too and compare.

  2. Haha. At least you are honest! ;)

  3. She just wants to find the best thing to wash her hair with.

  4. Sometimes I wonder about the messages I am sending to my kids because of the things I choose to take pictures of! But the ones of them making messes and getting into things are some of my favorites, so what are you gonna do? Love Miss J's face!

  5. I have to know, did you close the door at any point just to see what she would do?


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)