
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Cake is Not a Lie

So there is this video game called Portal that is pretty awesome. The bad guy keeps promising cake to you during the game and there are ominous messages scrawled on the wall saying, "The cake is a lie."

Well the game developers are based in Seattle and Da bro-in-law heard from some colleagues about the bakery that provided the cake inspiration. Well we HAD to go and buy a Portal cake.

Here is an image from the game.

And here is the cake we consumed. Note the gold cake base and how they provide you with a candle. Awesome.

It should also be addressed that I am wearing a long sleeve cardigan in August. A major factor in the realignment of the 5 year plan to include a move to Seattle.

1 comment:

Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)