
Monday, August 1, 2011

Jean Quilt

I have a new found appreciation for the quilt my grandmother made for my wedding.


Quilting is ridiculous. My friend asked me how long it took to make. I told him I started collecting jeans 2 years ago. Then I cleaned out the husband's side of the closet in April. He had some size 28 jeans squirreled away. I haven't had a 28in waist since 7th grade. I'm pretty sure that was the last time he had a 28in waist too. And probably the year he acquired the strange purplish suitcase they were stored in. I'm pretty sure it was when the Suns were in the western conference finals. Anyways, I quadrupled the denim stack by the end of the purge.

Then I cut all the seams out. And the pile sat around. Then I cut the fabric into 6 inch lengths. And that pile sat around. Then I spent 2 hours laying out the pieces and stacked them into appropriate piles. Then those piles sat around. Then I sewed the rows. The rows sat around. Then I sewed the rows together. Then I REFUSED TO HAVE THIS QUILT AROUND ANY LONGER! and took it to my mom's house to quilt.


I'd like to say I quilted it all by myself, but I only managed a few rows. My wonderful mama did most of it. It may have been since it was taking up her living room, but I like to think it was mainly because she's awesome like that.

So here it is, ready for fireworks and picnics and camping and crawling. Lots and lots of crawling.


Oh and more dog similarities, my dog likes to eat grass,

and so does my daughter.


  1. i think my dog prefers grass to his actual dog food. so weird...i really don't get it.

    and ditto on the ridiculousness of quilting. I had no idea either until i started that little crib size one, and dang! what a joke! I'm proud of you and your HUGE jean masterpiece.

  2. That looks AMAZING!!! And it's such a nice size. I love it! Good work :)

  3. The quilt is great, but I really like the accessories the best:) (But really, the quilt is amazing)

  4. Your quilt is great sister! And I love seeing pictures of your daughter.

  5. Fantastic! I can't wait to try out the grass in your backyard, also.

  6. The quilt looks awesome. I'm sorry to say that when I read "jean quilt" I first though "Eww" but I now see the error of my ways. I never had before seen a jean quilt quit like yours. To die for.

  7. Remember when you had to go to your neighbor's yard for a beautiful grass picture? No longer!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)