
Monday, July 25, 2011

Arizona Science Center

Big sis scored free tickets to the science center through the library's culture pass. Way fun. So fun that me and the hubby are going the first Friday in September from 5:30-7:30 for the free adults only after hours. Cheap date night if this looks like fun and any of you want to join us!

This was the coolest thing. Me and sis were on different sides of the mirrors and you can see what you would look like with someone else's nose and whatnot.

This is a stomach and it makes fart noises as you go down it

She's actually going "Whoooo!," not freaking out

This week she'll try and take over the world


  1. Such fun photos. I should have come too.

  2. Looks like a blast!
    Does GD offer discounts? Over here we get free passes to the NE Aquarium, Museum of Art, and the Museum of Science. Of course, we have to pay for parking over here.


  3. Uh won't you be up here the first Friday in September? Super fun pictures, I love them.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)