
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Macaron Fail

I've been seeing all of these sweet little sandwich cookies on the internet. I learned they are French macarons and very temperamental beasts. This shop in Paris has helped make them famous. Like most French cooking, it has a few simple ingredients, and LOTS of technique. The tutorials talk about achieving "feet" at the base of the cookie as the crowning glory.
image from here
 I had no problem with getting feet.

They are really tasty though and I can see how they would be the perfect blend of chewy, melt-in-your-mouth goodness when done correctly. We'll see how the next batch turns out.

P.S. I would like to clarify after my giant fly post, that I have never ever taken a picture of poo in the bathroom. I never even knew this was done until college and I was looking a friends phone pics and saw a picture of a giant poo. I expected him to be embarrassed but instead he proceeded to tell our study group about said poo and I learned it was common practice for the college male.

I was the only girl in that study group.


  1. haha oh my gosh I am laughing out loud. Maybe its because im reading this at 1:38 in the morning or that I have never heard of such nast but seriously, pics of poo? What kind of guys are these? Cavemen?


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)