
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello Summer, Goodbye Sister

My lil' sis is moving to Seattle where her wicked smart hubby took a job with Microsoft. We are all excited for their adventure, but we'll miss them so much! They were our go-to hang out buddies. And anyone who is married understands how difficult making couple friends is. It's like trying to set up 4 people simultaneously. You can only imagine what life will be like at Maidename functions for my hubby without someone to totally geek out with.

So to make let them know how much we will miss them, we decide to send them out in style.

With a kegger.

Well, a dry kegger.

This may be something unique to Mesa's high non-imbibing population. I knew the Pop Shop offered them but since they closed I didn't know how to get one. Googling didn't procure any satisfactory results so I started looking up places with large alcohol selections. You can imagine the conversations:

Alcohol Multiplex: Alcohol Multiplex, how can I help you?
Me: HI! I was wondering if you carry root beer kegs.
Alcohol Multiplex: A What?
Me: A root beer keg. You know, a keg full of root beer.
Alcohol Multiplex: A rootbeer keg.
Me: Yep
Alcohol Multiplex:I don't think so. Let me check. Hey Joey, do we sell rootbeer kegs? This lady wants a keg of rootbeer. Yeah. that's what I said. Ok, thanks. I'm sorry we don't.
Me: Do you know anyone who might?
Alcohol Multiplex: No idea.
Me: Ok, thanks. Bye

So I figured I'd search for providers of regular kegs. Sun Devil Liquor had around 150 options of beers on their site so I gave them a call. Boom! 5 gallons of root beer ready to pick up in 48 hrs (although they typically require a week's notice FYI). Now I'll warn you, it's a little pricey, but it lasted through the next night's bash for my 2yr old nephew, and a family graduation party for my sis-in-law the day after that. And really what your paying for is the cool factor, not the soda.

Here's the party in pics.




That's right, root beer floats :)

The maidename in the camo


  1. If live is only as cool as the pictures you take then we have cool lives. I miss Lena too.

  2. I haven't seen this post! Thank you so much for that party it was so fun, you're a wonderful sister!

  3. PS that black and white of Eric throwing Ellie looks AWESOME!!!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)