
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Father's Day Breakfast, a post which was planned for last week.

I have come to the conclusion that I am incapable of taking quality pictures of food. Stuff French toast in particular. It's divine I tell you. Slice it thick and half way open, cram cream cheese and berries, soak in custard for 30 seconds. (Custard is the egg stuff in this case, not the creamy dessert. Although my recipe calls for honey and orange zest in the custard, so it does come pretty close to dessert. Oh and the cinnamon butter on top from our adventure to the dairy farm adds more pizazz). Why the real maple syrup comes in a flask, I have no idea.

If you are curious, the box held a new shirt and a Big Skinny wallet. It's ultra thin and when full it is smaller than his old wallet empty. I also like the rubber lining which keeps the cards in even when shaken upside down. Just an idea if you need a present for the fella in your life (I'm always on the look out ma' self for possible husband-worthy ideas). Plus, when I was working in physical therapy, giant wallets were the cause of many a gentleman's hip complaint. Husband always keeps his wallet in his front pocket for booty comfort and pickpocket protection, so a slim one makes a big difference.

And in case you haven't guessed through the blog already, my husband is awesome. Happy first Father's Day darling. You must be doing something right since you are J's favorite. Well, after the stupid dog :)


  1. That picture does look very nice and makes me hungry!

  2. Oh I can't stop thinking about the stuffed french toast- I want most specific instructions especially on the custard part. Thanks for the wallet idea- it's so hard to buy stuff for guys!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)