
Thursday, May 19, 2011


I was 23 when I got my first pedicure. It was compliments of my BFF Suz who felt strongly that I had not truly lived.

They are somewhat life changing.

Unfortunately, by the time you get the flower and tip, it's usually about $30. I've been playing a big game of "would you rather" with my moola and when it comes to "Would you rather have a pedicure or a new pair of jeans?" I have been choosing jeans. Well I actually ask, " Would you rather have a new pair of jeans you'll be sweating in until November or a new wardrobe from Fallas Parades?" I chose the new wardrobe.  (Fallas Parades is a Maidename family secret. It's like Ross, but even cheaper. I go there instead of the thrift store because I can get $2 shirts from Old Navy that no one has put their pit stains in. Don't even get me started on the kids' clothes. A 3 piece suit for a little boy was $10. The EXACT same one at Children's Place was $50. It will completely revolutionize your baby shower giving. And even though some of the stuff is cheapo Chinese make, for $2 I'll wear it 5 times and still get my money's worth.)

To feed my Fallas habit, I have begun channeling my inner 12 year old and busted out my nail polish stash. When I was 12 I did incredibly elaborate nail art. As in a complete American flag type of thing. I was happy to find out I wasn't such an anomaly when the 12 year old girls I was working with at church showed me how to do this. I think it may be more of an age thing instead of my individual quirk. I have simplified things since then.
Yes, I have a random freckle on my left foot. Makes me special :)
I remember trying to recreate the flowers my cosmetologist friend did in high school (Hi Jayme!). She said she had a special tool at work and that's how she did it. I was deflated because I had no access to such finery. Since then I discovered a cheap and easy alternative.

While it may look like APS has started manufacturing nail supplies, in reality they just had cheap pens with carabiners made. It died quickly so it had the distinction of being reborn as a tool for flower making. Any dead pen works. You just touch it to the nail polish brush to load it up with paint and add some dots. It takes all of five minutes and makes me happy every time I look at my tootsies.

Now time for a Fallas run!


  1. COol! I tried this with a qtip and toothpick a while back and it didn't turn out. I've stopped trying since. I think I'll give it another go with the pen!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)