
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Boy Toys

I discovered this site called One Pretty Thing when I was looking for valentine ideas. It has waaaaaay too many things I want to make. I found this tutorial for the coolest little felt house

that turns into a car mat!
And since my friend Mel is having a boy, I had so much fun making it Mesa themed. Do you recognize these places?

Totally John's brilliant idea

It takes about a yard of green felt and since I found it at SAS for $2.75/yd I bought a bunch. I spent $5 on sheets of felt only to find my mom's big box of felt scraps. The most expensive part was the interfacing that was about $6. I want to make another one so if anybody out there wants to come have a craft party you can come get felt for FREE! Oh and did I mention there is ZERO sewing involved? Tacky glue is a wonderful thing :)


  1. This is Aunt B....and is this ever cute!! Loved the temple!

  2. This is so cute. I may have to make one for grandsons (if I get more than one). This sort of thing is way more fun in a group. I love how creative my kids are.

  3. You know, you might have won me over with the fact that there is no sewing. Hmmm. I could do this.

  4. am i too late? i haven't been blogging (lazy) so i haven't been checking blogs either. but this is super duper cute, craft-o-rama!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)