
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Science Teacher Rule #1

Teaching is hard.

But man, it sure is fun.


  1. It takes a special person to teach junior high students, and you are that person.

  2. Whenever I read your blog about your students I always think you have it so put together and you are totally on top of everything. I'm glad you posted this because that makes me feel better about not being so perfect. I mean, I'm not saying that you don't rock but I just mean, i'm glad you feel the same. And, yes, I think I should go shopping with you! I've been itching to shop lately! When and where? :)

  3. Have any good kids this year? I can't wait to hear stories :)

  4. Hey cutie..this is really not your Mom, but Aunt B. And for the record, just getting ready to teach is hard. I have been putting in 12+ hour days this week and the kids aren't starting till Monday. But it is worth it because it is fun and NEVER boring!

  5. This my friend is definitely rule #1. It is hard. But it sure is fun! Here's to a great year! We'll get used to our crazy new schedule.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)