
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Age according 6 year olds

For my December visiting teaching I decided to watch my ladies' kids for a couple hours. This conversation occurred when I was nestled up with a two year old, four year old, and six year old I was watching.

6yr: I feel like you're our mom.

Me: I feel like you guys are my kids.

6yr: Do you have kids?

Me: No

6yr: Are you an adult?


  1. Kids say the cutest things.

    Jerry took Nils and Jay for a test drive in the new car.

    "How was the drive," I asked Nils when they got back.

    "Grandpa drives scary." said Nils.

    "mumble, mumble, Quickly!" he explained.

    "Well, I had to see what it could do," confessed Grandpa.

  2. Hahaha that's a surefire way to tell that the kid is Mormon.

  3. Define Adult!
    Thanks for going to Avatar with us. It was lots of fun


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)