
Monday, May 16, 2016


For Christmas I got a groupon for a glassblowing class for my parents. We finally scheduled it and had a great time. They do most of the work for you but it still fun and the flowers turned out beautiful.

 I kept wanting to move the torch around like you do when soldering metals for jewelry, but you actually want to hold it still so it can get hot and melt the rough edges. Old habits die hard.

Husband was a pro

Mum had fun too.

 You have to wear these awesome sunglasses to look in the kiln.

Pops made them laugh because he wanted to make the petals perfectly symmetrical.

 We went to Welcome Chicken and Donuts after because it is delicious and my dad can appreciate an excellent donut, although this place is more about the interesting donuts like honeycomb and lavendar than a classic fritter.

It was a really fun adventure and I highly recommend Circle 6 studios if you ever get the chance.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Life in April

 This kid thinks he's done with naps but really just passes out anywhere when 5pm hits. I can't help but take pictures of it.

Potty training has been a long process, but we're finally getting some consistency. He was very proud of earning the Spiderman toy that had been staring at him for weeks. And he loves his superman pjs enough to wear them all day long.

The blueberry bush that I was certain I would kill actually produced blueberries! And the kids didn't pick them prematurely!

The kids are obsessed with harvesting the garden. That means I found three radishes stuck in the freezer of all places. But since I don't really like to eat radishes, meh.

The local high school hosts a traveling carnival as a fund raiser and J looks forward to it every year. Since I'm preggo, Husband got to squish into the rides.

This seems the like the dumbest ride, but they both insisted. I suppose the appeal is ringing the most obnoxious bell over and over. At least they can ride it by themselves.

Again, fell asleep. ON ME! This never happens.

The boys were a little worn out.

We had a great time at my cousins concert. They were dancing it up.

Husband asked what I was going to eat for breakfast and I told him a bagel. Then he saw my sad diabetic bagel thin and started cackling. "That is NOT a bagel"

M decided to make some food by dumping a bunch of tomatoes in cold oil.

Three hours of swimming. Impossible prevent sunburn, impossible to stay awake.

Tank and Jake moved to Texas and we had one final playdate at the park. All the kids just sat on the bench spontaneously and it was pretty adorable.

I had to laugh at this tank. Not pregnant from the front,

then boom VERY pregnant.

J was adorable in her last ballet class of the session. She's really improved over the two years.

"Mom. I have something to show you when you are done going to the bathroom. You are going to love it!" She's right. I thought it was adorable.

M has started more imaginative play and I wish I could understand what this game involved.

I can't help myself! It's always the most random of places.

This girl has mastered riding a two wheel and her cousin gave her a bike she outgrew. I love watching her confidence grow.

I made some little science crochet guys at a friend's request. I asked J what the blue looked like and she said a pitcher so I'm going to count it.

We went to Pump It Up, the bouncy house place, and the kids decided to link arms walking back to the car. I just love them.